Black Ops 2 Pc How to Turn Aim Assist on

*updated: see video* aim assist for PC controller users to improve everyones gaming experience & fair competition

see video on why aim assist is used for controllers & how it works in 1st 3 mins of video, it just slows down the look sensitivity you need when aimming at players & brings it back to normal level you need for doing things like turning around, also other tips included are look sensitivity levels & inversion:

in my situation, this game was purchased for me to play while recovering from a shoulder injury. i cant sit at a desk & play with a m/k because of my injury. im stuck at home for several months while in physical therapy so this was a game i got to help pass the time.
i will address these common responses 1st so you can avoid posting the same factually incorrect statements others have who are not educated on aim assist & controllers:

1)"just learn how to play with m/k"
2)"aim assist is a hack"
3)"controllers aren't for PCs"
4)"aim assist is not for PCs"
5)"aim assist will give unfair advantage & ruin the game"
6)"go buy a console if you want to play with a controller"

1)i cant because of my injury.
2)see video, its not a hack in anyway, it just makes up for the limitations that controllers have regarding precision.
3)PCs are made to do many things in 2013 including using controllers for games.
4)the official PC manual only available on activision website says there is aim assist.
5)right now there is a huge advantage when aimming with a mouse/keyboard & it ruins the game for people who have to use controllers, adding aim assist wont give controller users any unfair advantage, it will only partly close the gap on the huge unfair advantage mouse/keyboard players have now.
6)some people cant afford buying a console & a tv & everything else. some people wont do all that just to play 1 game that is made to play on PC with a controller that is just missing 1 simple feature that would resolve the problem.
there is many players, including myself, who bought PC version of Black Ops 2 to play with controllers & were suprised when they found out that there is no aim assist because the official manual for PCs on activision's website said there would be aim assist & because all games like this have some form of aim assist when using controllers because of the way controllers work.

people who use a mouse & keyboard already have a huge advantage & adding aim assist will not completely level the playing field, but it will make it a better gaming experience for everyone & make it somewhat more fair. to hit the target before they hit me is not usually the problem, its when the target starts moving & not being able to follow the target because of the look sensitivity is the problem.

if you play with a m/k & you have an opinion on this issue, please add to the discussion. but anyone who just wants to ruin the game for other people & to have an unfair advantage over other people with not be responded to because this post is about improving the gameplay for all honest people who like fair competition when playing online with all different types of people who have different needs & preferences.

*****instead of just posting comments that have nothing to add to discussion & are just comments saying NO AIM ASSIST, maybe you should just post about why you think people shouldnt have even playing field & why you prefer to take advantage of those people & ruin the game for them, instead of letting them have common basic option they can use to play honest & fair game against you.*****


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Black Ops 2 Pc How to Turn Aim Assist on


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